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Conway Returns to Odyssey

Odyssey attendee visits Conway Machine booth.

Conway returned to Odyssey Expo in May. Conway Machine, Inc. was eagerly looking forward to resuming tradeshow appearances after a prolonged hiatus due to the pandemic. Our first stop was the Odyssey Expo in Milwaukee, which typically takes place in odd-numbered years. Unfortunately, the event did not take place in 2021 due to the industry’s ongoing struggles amidst the pandemic.

Attending the Odyssey Expo is a truly enlightening experience. Attendees learn about the latest industry trends and connect with other professionals in the industry. This year’s keynote speakers were absolutely phenomenal and provided a wealth of knowledge.

One of the highlights of the expo was the opportunity to see some of the newest products and technologies in action. Being able to get hands-on experience with these tools help attendees to understand their potential and how they could be used in their own workplaces. 

Another great aspect of the Odyssey Expo is the networking opportunities. We appreciate the opportunity to visit with our customers face-to-face, or to put a face to an email correspondent. We enjoy meeting people who are passionate about the industry, and it was great to be able to share ideas and experiences with them. 

As usual, Odyssey Expo was a fantastic experience. From the incredible speakers to the innovative products on display, there is something for everyone. We are looking forward to 2025 already. Hope to see you there.